I’m a photography hobbyist. Years ago had a bunch of Nikon 35mm film equipment and even had a small dark room. I moved into digital photography a few years ago with a Nikon D90 and a whole bunch of lenses. And more gadgets and hehaws than you can imagine! This summer I was at a

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Winchester 1873 “Saddle Ring Rifle” rebuild

I just love these old rifles!  A few weeks ago a fellow on one of the Cowboy Action forums offered up a real “project” Winchester 1873 rifle for a ridiculous low price. The last thing I needed was another project, but I simply couldn’t resist. My 12 step firearms purchasing program is not working to

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1894 winchester takedown

1894 Winchester Take Down Rehab

Last week I was on business in Minneapolis. When anywhere near a Cabelas I simply must visit the gun library! I’ve been to every Cabelas in the USA…..Some a number of times. While there I saw this 1894 Winchester take-down, 32Win Special, Octagon to round, pistol grip, Marbles tang sight…….I fell in love! But it

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