If you do much shooting in the Prairie Dog Towns out west, you need some type of shooting bench. I wanted a bench that had the following atributes:
Easy to carry
Cheap to build
Would allow use of a professional “benchrest” front rest.
The first requirement is all relative. As long as I can throw it on top of the Jeep or in the back of the Pick-Up, I’m a happy camper. I would set a cost of less than $200 for the second. The third specification took a bit of head scratching. And the last meant Three legs of a very sturdy nature with the seat not attached to the bench. Every bench I’ve tried with the seat attached had way to much movement for accurate distance shooting.
Here’s what I came up with:
The bench uses three legs for utmost stability on uneven terrain. The front legs are available at any home improvement store and the rear leg is a custom made unit that allows elevation adjustment by moving the leg in and out and locking the pivot point.
The top moves on these little roller things. Very slick!
The rear pivot is simply a piece of pipe (in this case a piece of old rifle barrel)
And that’s it…………..
If you want a set of plans and a list of materials and the source, they are available
Email me at  RVB100@comcast.net  and I’ll get them out to you…………..
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If you have any questions, I can always be reached at rvb100@comcast.net
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