(Houston…We have a problem…Updated 12-22-09 see Below)
I recently got back into the hobby of photography. With six grandkids, the need for portrait works would soon be needed. I researched a set of studio lights and found them to be either extremely poorly made or very expensive. I figured I could easily build a set myself.
Before you start. Be aware you are dealing with 120Volt AC house current with this project. If you don’t know what you are doing, it WILL kill you. If you are not comfortable playing with electricity, have an electrician do the final wiring.
OK, with that out of the way. Here is what you’ll need.
Electric Drill with a drill bit selection
Hack Saw
Screw Driver
Wire Strippers
The parts you will need are all available from Lowes Home Improvement. I didn’t check, but I’d bet Home Depot and ACE Hardware would have what you need also.

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