The stock profile that I find works great off a bench rest is the Tooley MBR design as this Nesika target rifle wears.
A wide flat forend is the most important aspect of a good benchrest stock.
The modification I did on my Kimber 82G stock was done using a milling machine, hand planes, files, die grinder and sand paper. But it can be done with simple hand tools, it will just take longer.
The first step is removing the wood on the bottom of the forend. This was accomplished in the milling machine. A scrap piece of 2X8 was mounted to the milling machines table and the surface milled to be perfectly flat. The Kimber stock was screwed to this 2X8 with two large screws and the bottom of the stock was milled flat.
Once this was done, a piece of 3/4″ X 2 3/4″ X 15″ walnut was glued using West System epoxy to the cut out area. I use West System epoxy in boat building, but any good wood glue will work.
Clamps are used to secure the parts until the glue dries
Once the glue is dry, it’s off to the milling machine for shaping. I mounted a 4X4 to the 2X8 and milled the top of the 4X4 to be perfectly flat. The Kimber stock with the new forend plate attached was mounted to the 4X4. You can see how I accomplished this in the photos below. Using a 1″ Ball End Mill, I milled the right side of the stock as shown.
Once the right side was done it was over to the left side.
And here’s what we ended up with
The front of the stock needed to be detailed. I chose the Anshultz profile they use on thier target stocks
A sharp hand plane made quick work of the sides of the forend
I contoured the rear of the forend to meet the main stock. I love these 1965 Ford Mustang side scoops!
I then used a Die Grinder with a 1.5″ sanding wheel to sand out the thumb relief position.
Lots of hand sanding from 150 grit down to 300 grit and we are ready for some finish.
To ease handling of the stock while I’m applying finish, I screw a piece of electrical conduit pipe to the barrel channel.
And then its ten to twenty coats of Tung Oil with steel wool between each coat. Allowing the stock to dry for at least 12 hours between coats. This method takes a bit of time, but Tung Oil seeps into the wood , hardens and is very easily repaired if you don’t put wax or oil over it. Hard as nails and easy to apply.
Once the stock had its last coat of Tung Oil, it was time to flip it over once more on the milling table and cut the mortise for the trigger guard and the recess for the action bolt bushing.
The Kimber 82G comes with an adjustable butt plate. This facilitated folks of different arm length to use the rifle in High Schools and Colleges. But it is “butt” ugly. A couple pieces of 1/8″ aluminum and two 1.5″ aluminum tubes, all polished to a slightly less than mirror finish fixed that!
I utilized the rubber butt pad the rifle was supplied with and the two long bolts to hold everything together.
Put everything back together and let’s go shoot’n!
I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions I can be reached at rvb100@comcast.net.
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Roy B
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