June 2001


As I was getting my paperwork in order for the 2002 Egg Shoot season, I realized that I never posted the results for the June 24, 2001 Egg Shoot. Although I can’t remember all the details I’ll try as best as I can……….Let’s start with the obligatory……..Weather cooperated, lots of folks showed up, great guns to look at, Blah Blah, Woof Woof…..Here’s the results:300 yd Custom Rifle…..Yea, Yea…We know…Gary Maciel with that piece of crap 40X barreled XP-100 in 6BR that just won’t quite shooting won the 300! I don’t think that old 40X barrel will ever wear out. A real “hummer”300 yd Factory Rifle……Bill LaPlume. Can’t remember what he was shooting, but it was good enough to take home the trophy.

p /200 yd Custom……..Tom Meyers with his amazing Darrell Holland smithed 280 Ackley did the damage. I’m sure he got into some kind of shoot off with the rest of the folks because no one that shoots in this class would let him win it outright!

200 yd Factory………Maureen Powers (I know! I know!…She never shows up! But my notes say she won! So she must have been to at least one shoot…) Maureen bought a brand new Remington VSSF in 223 just to compete in this class. With her own magic reloads she hammered those “pre-chicks”! Good shooting Maureen!100 yd Rifle………Alan Montgomery shooting an AR-15 with iron sights took away the honors.100 yd Handgun……..My notes don’t show anything. But I can’t believe we didn’t shoot the 100 yd handgun event. Ray Piche has always been in on this event. If anyone knows what happened, drop me an emailThat’s it for now!

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