October 2000


October 8, 2000Sorry it took me so long to get these results out to all you folks. The weather has been so nice I’ve spent all my spare time riding my motorcycles. But today is sort of bleak so I figured its time to hunker down and write the report.Since this was the last shoot of the year I would like to once again thank all the folks that help us put on such a successful event. This time a tip of the hat goes to Alfredo Tavares of Westport Mass. Who set targets all day long for this and the last event. Having someone set targets is such a great help. It allows the shooters to concentrate on the shooting without having to constantly run down range and set eggs after each relay. Once again, thanks Al!I’d also like to thank Randy Costa for all his help. Randy collects all the money and keeps tabs as the “official scorekeeper”. Thanks Randy!And last but by no means least, Jeff Whittaker once again helped us out by building us four more new benches. That brings the total to ten. Sure speeds things up having those extra shooting positions. Thanks Jeff!On to the match. Lots of good shooting! That just about sums it up. It’s amazing how good the shooters are getting that come to this event. Gary Maciel with his trusty 6BR Remington XP-100 rifle hammered the pre-chickens at 300 yards. Gary went 5 for 5! That was good enough to win the 300-yard Custom Class.Bob Newman was back in good form. He had his 40X in 308 dialed in and walked away with the 300 yard Factory Class trophy.At 200-yard factory, Craig Rosen shooting his newly stocked Remington 700 in 308 went for the Gold! Craig hasn’t been shooting with us long and has already taken a trophy. Good shooting Craig!Two hundred yard Custom is where the action usually is and today was no exception. Five shooters scored perfect and we had a five-way sudden death shoot off. Gary Maciel, Bill Gaudaitis, Tom Myers, Roger Buonanno, and Ray Piche all went five for five. Roger was shooting his BR pistol I might add. In sudden death, each shooter fires on a particular egg in rotation. If you miss, you’re out. After a few rounds it was down to Gary and Tom. Gary was shooting his 6BR and Tom was shooting a new rifle that he had barreled by Darrel Holland in 280 Ackley. This rifle was in a heavy hunting configuration with a Holland muzzle brake. Not exactly your typical Egg Shoot gun. But between Tom and Gary they shot over 40 eggs without missing. Well, actually they both missed at one point so the shooting went on. But the point is, those boys can shoot! And that 280 Ackley that Tom has is a tack driver to be sure. In the end, someone had to win and this time Gary took home the bacon. Thanks for a great shoot-off guys!At 100 yards, scoped pistol, Ray Piche and yours truly got ourselves into a shoot off. I couldn’t win my own match so I let Ray win by missing an egg during the shoot-off! ( Next time I won’t let him get off so easy) Actually, Ray just started shooting that Contender in 223 last year and he is a formidable shot in anyone’s book. Good shooting Ray!Matt Hopkins rounded out the field by shooting his 8mm M48 with iron sites at 100 yards. Since he went unchallenged, he wins!Well that’s it for this year. Keep checking my web site
( www.rvbprecision.com ) for dates for 2001 shoots. I should have the dates posted sometime after the first of the year. If anyone is interested in motorcycles you might want to check out my other web site www.rvbmotorcycles.com. I hope you find it interesting.Until next year, be safe

Roy Bertalottorvb100@mediaone.net

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