ICE Power Amplifier Build

Stereo HiFi amplifiers come in many different flavors. Class A, Class AB, and recently Class D has entered the fray. You can do a Google search to understand Class A and Class AB……. Class D is best described here: (From Wikipedia) A class-D amplifier or switching amplifier is an electronic amplifier in which the amplifying devices (transistors, usually MOSFETs) operate as

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Roofnest Falcon Handle DIY

The Roofnest Falcon is a great Roof Top Tent (RTT). When you purchase it, they include one handle. And it is a VERY nice handle. If you want or need more handles they are $40 each. Don’t get me wrong, they are worth $40 each as they are extruded or cast aluminum, anodized and beautifully

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First Watt F5v2 VU Meters

Recently I aquired a PASS LABS First Watt F5v2 stereo amplifier to add to one of my systems You can read all about that experience here: Although I cleaned it up and installed a front mounted power switch and an LED indicator light, I wanted to modify it a bit more by adding VU

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VTA ST120 Dynaco Clone Tube Amplifier Build in Pictures

Not much verbiage here. This was a Covid Lock Down project of a Bob Latino VTA ST120 Tube Amplifier build. Purchased from A fantastic amplifier that is relatively easy to build as long as you can solder and follow directions. The support from VTA is fantastic if you get into trouble. I didn’t need

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