SKB Shotgun Forend Fix

The SKB 100 and 200 double barrel shotguns are the favorite of the Single Action Shooting Society or Cowboy Action Shooting crowd. But they have one relatively large issue. The forend tends to creep forward under recoil and in some cases may split the forend wood. I decided to try and bed the forend on

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Rescuing an Old Hepburn

No, NOT that Hepburn… I’ll leave that up to Humphrey Bogart… I’m talking about THIS Remington Hepburn.. I’ve always had a lust for a Remington Hepburn ever since I attended my first Schutzen match a number of years ago. I saw a couple fellows shooting them and I just thought the whole side lever thing was

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DEXTER E-Z Flex Suspension Upgrade

My travel trailer is a 2011 Forest River Grey Wolf 19RR Toy Hauler. It is a great trailer but it can always be improved upon. Cruising the various RV forums I’ve heard mention the Dexter E-Z Flex Suspension system. A quick search found me at Eastern Marine and a sale on the exact kit for

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